If you are a regular user of Instagram, you would be getting a lot of followers on the platform that you don’t wish to follow. However, the problem with Instagram followers is that you don’t have control over them unless and until you have a Private account. Since you might have an influencer or a celebrity or brand account on Instagram, you need to keep your profile public. Therefore, you will be unable to control who follows you on Instagram, and there is no option to mass unfollow Instagram accounts as well. In this article, we are going to tell you everything you need to know about how to mass unfollow on Instagram.

How to Mass Unfollow on Instagram

Since we mentioned earlier that there is no proper option to mass unfollow on Instagram, you need to unfollow each profile one by one, which is impossible if you have millions of followers.

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To make things easier, there are apps that can be used in order to mass unfollow accounts on Instagram, and we will use them in this article. Here are the best mass unfollow Instagram tools available right now.

1. Unfollowers+ for Instagram

The first app in our list to mass unfollow Instagram accounts is the Unfollowers+ for the Instagram app, which is one of the best Instagram mass unfollow tools that we have come across. It is worth noting that this tool will also give you a complete analysis of your non-followers, meaning that the people who don’t follow you. Your fans mean the people or profiles that you are not following and also your mutuals which are those profiles that mutually follow each other. With this data, you can then decide whom you would like to unfollow and take further action.

2. InstaClean Mass Unfollow

InstaClean Mass Unfollow is the app that is available for iOS devices on the App Store, and it is one of the best mass unfollow apps for Instagram when it comes to iPhones. The InstaClean Mass Unfollow app will allow you to not only unfollow users in mass, but it will also help you to unlike photos in mass as well as mass block user profiles as well.

3. Mass Unfollow for Instagram

Next up on our list is the Mass Unfollow for an Instagram tool which is yet another great tool if you want to mass unfollow accounts on Instagram, and that too with proper analysis. Similar to the above tool, Mass Unfollow for Instagram also gives you the ability to block profiles as well as unlike photos and mass unfollow profiles on Instagram.

4. Fast-unfollow

Fast-unfollow is another great tool in our list of mass unfollow tools for Instagram, and one thing that sets this tool apart from others is that it has a limit of 1400 unfollows per day. It means you can mass unfollow up to 1400 accounts per day which is quite a lot and will help you clean up your profile in a few days, even if you have a lot of followers. You can add up to 40 Instagram Profiles on this tool, and everything works with a single re-login which means all your profiles are saved.

Update Regarding Mass Unfollow Tools for Instagram

In this article, we have mentioned that there are four tools that you can use to mass unfollow profiles on Instagram. But you must have noticed that there are no links from where you can download these apps to your device or use the tools if they are on the web. That is because these mass unfollow tools are no longer working on the platform, which is the reason why we didn’t feel right to keep the link as it is. Also, it is worth noting that Instagram algorithms have become extremely strict nowadays, and they are running spam removal campaigns as well, which is why you must have seen a purge in follower count on Instagram recently. Apart from that, they are detecting profiles that are mass unfollowing or following accounts on the platform, and if detected, your profile could get banned for doing the suspicious activity as doing anything in mass such as following, unfollowing, or liking/disliking is banned on Instagram.


As we mentioned earlier, there are tools available to mass unfollow profiles on Instagram, but the algorithms have changed so much on Instagram that they are shadow banning or permanently banning profiles quite a lot nowadays. This is the reason why we don’t recommend you to use these tools to mass unfollow on Instagram and suggest you do it the right way, which is doing them one by one. Also, you should not be unfollowing or following too many people in a single day because that can also get you banned.

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